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Short Article

17-08-2021 | 14:56 PM

Arctic Science Ministerial 

• Information regarding India’s participation in the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3) was recently given in Parliament by the Government. 

• It was jointly organized by Iceland and Japan and is the first Ministerial meeting held in Asia. 

• The theme for this year is ‘Knowledge for the Sustainable Arctic’. 

Key Points about Arctic Science Ministerial 

• Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM) is a global platform for discussing research and cooperation in the Arctic region. 

• Iceland and Japan have jointly organized the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3). It is the first Ministerial meeting being held in Asia. 

• The first Arctic Science Ministerial was hosted by the United States in Washington in 2016. The second ASM was co-hosted by the European Commission, Finland, and Germany in Berlin in 2018. 

• Its Purpose is to provide opportunities to various stakeholders, to enhance collective understanding of the Arctic region. It also emphasizes the constant engagement in monitoring and strengthening Arctic observations. 
