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Short Article

13-08-2021 | 15:16 PM

COVID Teeka Sang Surakshit Van, Dhan aur Uddyam Campaign

• The Minister of Tribal Affairs launched the nationwide campaign “COVID Teeka Sang Surakshit Van, Dhan aur Uddyam” to accelerate the pace of COVID vaccination among tribals in India. 

• It has been launched by TRIFED under the Ministry of Tribals for 10.5 crore tribal community people across the country.  It is being launched in partnership with UNICEF and WHO. 

• Its objective is that the tribal communities should not only remain safe and healthy during the pandemic but should also be able to continue their livelihood activities. 

Three key J’s of campaign: 

  • Jeevan (Life): Every life and livelihood is precious and vaccination is key to life. 

  • Jeevika (Livelihood): Vaccination will help in continuing Van Dhan Vikas Kendra and livelihood activities without any fear of contracting the disease. It will also save hospitalization and other opportunity costs. 

  • Jaagrookta (Awareness): Simplification of the registration process for vaccination, place, accessibility to different people and age groups, including women & elderly population.
