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Comprehensive News & Analysis

03-08-2021 | 17:27 PM

Conditional licensing for Proprietary Foods 

• The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has floated a consultation paper proposing to bring in a conditional licensing framework for proprietary food products. 

• In its consultation paper, the FSSAI said that it has come across instances where food manufacturers apply for licenses for proprietary food products which “closely mimic” products for which standards have been prescribed. 

Key Points: 

• According to FSSAI, the lack of explicit law or guidelines for proprietary food has led to “loose compliance requirements” for the manufacturers. 

• Proprietary food products are those products for which no identity standards have been set under the existing regulations but are manufactured using permitted ingredients and additives. 

• These are usually products with unique formulations that enable companies to offer differentiated products to consumers. In the past few years, the regulator has also been adding new standards in various categories such as beverages products such as carbonated fruit beverages and energy drinks — which were earlier considered proprietary food. 

• Nutraceuticals, health supplements, foods for special medical purposes, functional foods or novel foods do not come under the purview of proprietary foods category. 

About FSSAI 

• Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) was formed in the year 2011 and it is a statutory body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. 

• FSSAI is responsible for promoting and protecting public health through its supervision and regulation activities. 

• The current Chairperson of FSSAI is Rita Teaotia.
