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Short Article

20-07-2021 | 15:58 PM

Flex-fuel Engines 

• The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has announced that they will make a decision over flex-fuel engines. 

• This decision was taken days after advancing the cut-off date for mixing 20 percent ethanol in petrol from 2030 to 2025. 

• Flex-fuel engines are already in vogue in countries such as Brazil, Canada, and the United States. In these countries, a lot of vehicle owners use ethanol as fuel for their cars. 

• A ‘Flex-fuel engine’ is an internal combustion engine that can run on more than one fuel and also a mixture. Typically, a blend of petrol and ethanol or methanol is used, and the engine is capable of automatically adjusting for any percentage of the blend.
