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Short Article

19-07-2021 | 16:10 PM

Cassava crop for Bioethanol Production

• ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI) finds cassava (tapioca) as a promising raw material for bioethanol production to meet India’s Ethanol Blending Petrol (EBP) program target of 2025. 

• National Policy on Biofuels 2018 ensures the availability of biofuels to meet the demand for 20 percent ethanol produced from molasses, sugarcane juices, and biomass.

Key Points 

• Cassava has a high starch content and the ability to grow under low management conditions. It has been globally recognized as a potential candidate for bioethanol production. 

• Cassava, also known as Tapioca, production in India is estimated to be 4.98 million tonnes. Tamil Nadu, followed by Kerala accounts for a major amount of production. 
