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Comprehensive News & Analysis

06-07-2021 | 18:09 PM

Draft national strategy for Rural Development 

• The Tourism Ministry has formed a draft national strategy and roadmap for the development of rural tourism in India. 

• Recognising the immense potential of rural tourism, the ministry decided to formulate the strategy. The Ministry has been actively working to promote and develop this niche area of tourism. 

Key Objectives: 

• To identify strategies for the development of Rural Tourism and stimulate job creation. 

• To bring synergy and convergence in the Central and State programs for the development and promotion of Rural Tourism in the Country 

• To facilitate coordination of rural tourism development initiatives amongst relevant stakeholders 

• To create a platform to share knowledge of best practices, development opportunities and challenges in rural areas for tourism development 

• To identify and recommend strategic areas/ clusters for tourism development in rural areas within the sector. 

NOTE: Draft to position India as a MICE-destination was also put forward. MICE stands for “Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions”.
