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Short Article

03-07-2021 | 14:10 PM

Jalgaon Banana 

• Recently, a consignment of fibre and mineral-rich “Jalgaon Banana” was shipped to Dubai, boosting exports significantly. 

• It got GI certification in 2016. It was registered with Nisargraja Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Jalgaon.

• Jalgaon District is an identified banana cluster under Agri Export Policy and is called as “Banana city” of Maharashtra. It contributes to two-third of the total production of bananas in the state. 

• India is the world's leading producer of bananas with a share of 25% in total output. Leading banana-producing states are Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh. 
