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Comprehensive News & Analysis

30-06-2021 | 13:47 PM

India-Kuwait MoU on Domestic Worker Recruitment

India and Kuwait signed an MoU that brings Indian domestic workers in the Gulf nation within a legal framework that provides them with the protection of the law and streamlines their recruitment. 

About MoU: 

• The MoU will provide a structured framework for cooperation on domestic workers-related matters. 

• It provides for strengthened safeguards for Indian domestic workers including female workers deployed in Kuwait. 

• Initially valid for five years, it has a provision for automatic renewal. 

• The MoU also proposes setting up a joint committee that will be set up to follow up the implementation. 

• The MoU will benefit around 3 lakh Indian workers deployed in Kuwait, including about 90,000 female domestic workers and promotes bilateral cooperation in domestic workers-related matters between the two countries. 

NOTE: Community of Indians in Kuwait comprises Indian expatriates in Kuwait and Kuwaiti citizens of Indian origin or by descent. As per the Indian ministry of external affairs, about 10 lakh Indians are residing in Kuwait as of 2020.
