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Short Article

28-06-2021 | 15:04 PM

China Passes Law against Foreign Sanctions

• China's Parliament passed the Anti-foreign Sanctions Law. This law provides a comprehensive legal cover for blocking foreign sanctions against Chinese officials and entities and protecting them against the long-arm jurisdiction, especially from the US. 

• The law was passed in the backdrop of the US and EU countries slapping sanctions against a number of Chinese entities and officials over allegations of human rights violations against Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang and the imposition of China's national security law in Hong Kong. 

Countermeasure provisions in law: 

• Refusal to issue visas, denial of entry & deportation. 

• Sealing, seizing, and freezing property of individuals and businesses which is attached to foreign sanctions against Chinese businesses or officials 

• It allows Chinese courts to punish companies complying with foreign laws that damage national interests. 
