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Comprehensive News & Analysis

21-06-2021 | 15:14 PM

US- Russia Open Skies Treaty 

• The US administration announced that it does not seek to re-join the Open Skies Treaty with Russia. 


• The treaty is a key arms control agreement, that allowed US and Russia to fly surveillance aircraft over their military facilities 

• According to the US administration, the US does not seek to enter the pact because of Russia’s failure to comply with it. 

• Now, “New START treaty” is the only major arms control pact between both the countries which was extended for five years recently by the US. 

About Open Skies Treaty 

• The Open Skies Treaty was signed by the United States on March 24, 1992. It came into effect in 2002. 

• The Treaty allows both member countries to fly surveillance aircraft over military facilities. The treaty was signed to promote transparency among member countries. 

NOTE: Former President of the US, Donald Trump, announced its withdrawal in November 2020 while Russia announced to withdraw in January 2021.
