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Comprehensive News & Analysis

19-06-2021 | 14:51 PM

Steadfast Defender 21 war Games

• North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) organised “Steadfast Defender 21 war games” military exercises in Europe as tensions with Russia increased. 

Key Highlights 

• In the war names, NATO troops, warships and dozens of aircraft took part. Military exercises took place across the Atlantic, through Europe and into the Black Sea region.

• These war games are being organised with the aim of simulating the response of a 30-nation military organisation for an attack on any one of its members. It seeks to test the ability of NATO to deploy troops from America. 


• These war games were launched in the aftermath of Russia’s decision to send thousands of troops across the border area with Ukraine. It has raised concern at the military alliance that launched the biggest ever defense spending initiatives after Russian troops acquired Crimean Peninsula of Ukraine in 2014. 

About North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 

• It is an intergovernmental military alliance of European and North American countries. NATO implements the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed in 1949. 

• NATO comprises a system of collective defence in which independent member states provide for mutual defence if any member is attacked by an external party. 

• Organisation is headquartered in Brussels (Belgium). 
