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Comprehensive News & Analysis

17-06-2021 | 17:29 PM

Solar-based Electrification Programme

• Goa Government launched a solar-based electrification programme for rural households of the state, on the occasion of Goa Statehood Day (May 30).

• This programme will bring electricity using renewable energy to rural areas in Goa where grid connectivity is not feasible. 

• It was launched with a focus on delivering clean, reliable, and affordable energy to all. 

• Solar PV-based home lighting systems were inaugurated two days after an agreement was signed between Convergence Energy Services Ltd (CESL) and Goa Energy Development Agency (GEDA). 

• Electrification project is the first off-grid electricity engagement by CESL which will install and maintain the solar PV systems for five years under Remote Village Electrification (RVE) programme. 

• CESL will undertake programmes across villages and hamlets in coordination with Gram panchayats. 

About CESL 

• CESLis a new energy company that focuses on delivering clean, affordable, and reliable energy. It focuses on energy solutions that can be generated with the confluence of renewable energy, electric mobility, and climate change.
