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Comprehensive News & Analysis

10-06-2021 | 16:58 PM

Gharial Hatchlings in Odisha                     


Forest Department of Odisha has witnessed an adult Gharial surrounded by 28 hatchlings at Satkosia gorge in Mahanadi river which is considered as the southernmost limit of gharials’ home range in India.

About Gharial:

• Gharial is also known as the gavial or the fish-eating crocodile. It is the longest among all living crocodilians

• Conservation:

§  Critically Endangered (IUCN Red List)

§  Schedule I: Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

§  Appendix I: CITES

• Threats: Loss of habitat because of sand mining and conversion to agriculture, depletion of fish resources and detrimental fishing.

• Odisha is the only state in India having all three species of crocodiles (gharial, mugger and saltwater crocodiles).

• Gharial reserves of India: Uttar Pradesh (Ghaghara river), Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

• Today, their major population occurs in three tributaries of the Ganga River: the Chambal and the Girwa Rivers in India and the Rapti-Narayani River in Nepal.
