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Short Article

04-06-2021 | 16:10 PM

Atlas-V Rocket 

• The United Launch Alliance launched the Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. The Atlas V rocket carried SBRIS Geo-5 Missile Warning Satellite. 

• The full form of SBRIS is the Space-Based Infrared System. It is designed for missile warning, missile battlespace and defence characterization.

• SBRIS is basically a Space Tracking and Surveillance System. SBRIS was designed to meet the Infrared Space Surveillance of the United States Space Force System. In 2020 alone, the SBRIS satellites detected more than a thousand missiles. 

• The SBRIS Geo-5 Missile Warning Satellite will provide key capabilities in missile warning, battle space, and missile defence. It weighs 4,850 kilograms. As of 2018, ten SBRIS satellites were launched. 
