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Short Article

31-05-2021 | 14:52 PM

Winchcombe Meteorite

• A piece of Winchcombe meteorite will be displayed at the National History Museum, Gloucestershire (UK). The meteorite touched the UK soil in February 2021. 

• The Winchcombe meteorite is 103 grams in weight. It is a fragment of black rock resembling coal. It was founded by a team from the University of Glasgow. 

• On February 28, 2021, hundreds of people spotted a fireball blazing across the sky. The flash of light lasted for six seconds. 

• It is named after the place, where it fell down i.e. the town of Winchcombe in Gloucestershire in the UK. Furthermore, its weight is 103 grams, and it resembles coal in looks 

NOTE: Meteoroids are objects that range in size from dust grains to small asteroids. When these meteoroids enter the earth's atmosphere, they are called meteors. When the meteors hit the ground, they are called meteorites.
