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Short Article

29-05-2021 | 16:35 PM

Notified Diseases 

Context: Black Fungus has been categorised as a notified disease in Haryana, making it imperative that government authorities be informed about each case. This will allow for the tracking and management of an outbreak. It will help authorities to collect information on the spread of the disease, monitor the disease, and set off early warnings. 

About Notified disease: 

• A notified disease is any disease that is required by law to be reported to government authorities. The collation of information allows the authorities to monitor the disease and provides early warning of possible outbreaks. 

• The World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations, 1969 require disease reporting to the WHO in order to help with its global surveillance and advisory role. 

Notified Diseases in India: 

AIDS, Hepatitis B, Dengue Fever, Malaria, Whooping cough, Anaemia, Measles, Rabies, Vitamin A deficiency, typhoid, scarlet fever, polio, cerebrospinal fever, leprosy, hepatitis, Cholera, Iodine deficiency, malnutrition, tuberculosis, smallpox, plague, measles, influenza, diphtheria and chickenpox.
