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Comprehensive News & Analysis

21-05-2021 | 15:32 PM

 Yaogan satellites   

• China conducted two launches of classified Yaogan satellites while much of the world waited to see where and when the Long March 5B would fall. 
• The satellite is to be used for electromagnetic environmental surveys and other related technical tests. 
About the launch 
• China launched three Yaogan-30 satellites and Tianqi-12 satellite in its Long March 2C. It was launched from Jiuquan Launch Centre in Gobi desert. 
• Prior to the Yaogan-30 mission, the Yaogan-34 satellite was launched. 
• The satellites will be used for electromagnetic environment surveys and other related technology tests, according to state media Xinhua. 
• No images and few details of Yaogan satellites are released, much in the same way as classified launches carried out by other countries. Yaogan series satellites are understood by western analysts to be Chinese military reconnaissance satellites. 
 NOTE: Yaogan satellite is a series of Chinese Reconnaissance satellites. A reconnaissance satellite is a spy satellite deployed for military or intelligence applications. However, the Chinese claim that Yaogan satellites are launched for land survey, crop yield assessment, scientific experiment and disaster monitoring 
