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Comprehensive News & Analysis

19-05-2021 | 15:36 PM

Sputnik Light Single Dose 

• Sputnik V vaccine of Russia shows that a single dose of Sputnik Light vaccine demonstrated 79.4 percent efficacy against COVID-19. It is also effective against all new strains of COVID-19. 
• Sputnik V vaccine developed by Russia is a two-dose vaccine. The unique feature of the vaccine is that the first and second doses are different from each other. In Sputnik Light a single dose is sufficient. 
About Sputnik V: 
• The Sputnik V vaccine has been developed by Gamaleya National Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow.
• It uses two different viruses that cause the common cold (adenovirus) in humans. The adenoviruses are weakened so they cannot replicate in humans and cannot cause disease. 
• They are also modified so that the vaccine delivers a code for making the coronavirus spike protein. This aims to ensure that when the real virus tries to infect the body, it can mount an immune response in the form of antibodies 
