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Short Aticle

17-05-2021 | 16:08 PM

Unicorn Black Hole 

• Scientists have discovered what may be the smallest known black hole in the Milky Way galaxy and the closest to our solar system — an object so curious that they nicknamed it 'the Unicorn.'

About Unicorn

• The black hole has been dubbed ‘The Unicorn’ in part because it is, so far, one of a kind, and in part because it was found in the constellation Monoceros – “The Unicorn.”

• According to the researchers, the black hole is roughly three times the mass of our Sun, testing the lower limits of size for these extraordinarily dense objects.

• The black hole was discovered through an effect called Tidal Distortion.

Tidal Distortion

• Tidal Distortion occurs through gravitational interaction of an astronomical body. For instance, the tidal distortion between the Earth and the moon is higher during no moon and full moon days. The Tidal force stretches a body along the line towards the center of mass of another body.
