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Short Article

06-05-2021 | 15:37 PM

Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) list 

The USCIRF (US Commission on International Religious Freedom) has recommended classifying India as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC). It is due to the worst violations of religious freedom in India in 2020. The other three countries were Russia, Vietnam and Syria.

Key Points:

• USCIRF recommends the Country of Particular Concern(CPC) designation to the US State Department. It recommends countries engaged in severe violations of religious freedom under IRFA (International Religious Freedom Act) 1998.

• The countries that receive this designation either engage in or tolerate systematic, ongoing, glaring violations of religious freedom.


• The USCIRF was established by the US Government in 1998 after the enactment of the International Religious Freedom Act. 

• The Commissioners of USCIRF are appointed by the President. It mainly aims to review the violations of religious freedom internationally.
