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Short Article

06-05-2021 | 14:27 PM

Triple Mutant Variant 

• The 'triple mutant variant' or the 'Bengal strain' is a new variant of the Covid-19 virus that has been detected in India. 

• Experts say this variant is more infectious and is spreading rapidly. It is predominantly circulating in West Bengal. 

About Triple Mutant Variant:

• The Triple Mutant Variant has evolved from double mutation. In the triple mutant variant, three different COVID-19 strains have combined to form a new variant.

• As the name suggests, a 'triple mutant variant' is formed when three mutations of a virus combine to form a new variant. In this case, the three mutations are:

  1. A deletion and two changes in spike protein
  2. Deletion of H146 and Y145
  3. Mutation in E484K and D614G in spike protein

• The 'triple mutant variant' is the second lineage of SARS-CoV-2 virus to be identified in India. It is being called 'B.1.618', and is mostly circulating in West Bengal.

• Earlier, a 'double mutant variant' of the virus was detected in India. It was officially named as 'B.1.617'.
