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Short Article

05-05-2021 | 15:15 PM

Table Mountain National Park 

  • An "out of control" fire broke out inside Cape Town's Table Mountain National Park, prompting the speedy evacuation of one of South Africa's most famous landmarks.

  • A vacated vagrant fire may have caused the fire. A vagrant is a person without a home or who wanders from place to place begging.

Table Mountain National Park

  • It is a flat-topped mountain. It is a significant tourist attraction. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage site. UNESCO is the United Nations Economic and Social Commission. 

  • The two most important landmarks in the National Park are the Table Mountains and the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Agulhas is the southern tip of Africa.


  • The most popular feature of the Table Mountains is the level plateau that runs approximately three kilometers. The plateau is flanked by Devil’s Peak in the east and Lion’s head in the west.
