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Comprehensive News & Analysis

03-05-2021 | 12:54 PM

SpaceX Crew 2 

NASA’s SpaceX Crew-2 mission astronauts are all set for a planned liftoff to the International Space Station (ISS) from Launch Complex 39A. NASA is to launch the mission along with SpaceX.

About SpaceX Crew 2:

  • NASA’s SpaceX Crew-2 Mission is the second in line that will lift off four astronauts on a Crew Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station.

  • The astronauts to travel to the International Space Station are from NASA, JAXA, and ESA. JAXA is the Japanese Space Agency and ESA is European Space Agency.

About Crew Dragon

  • NASA’s Space crew mission is the first mission in the history of space science to conduct safe, reliable, and cost-effective transportation of humans from the ground to low-Earth orbit and the International Space Stations, and back.

  • The Crew Dragon spacecraft can stay up to 210 days in the Earth’s orbit. Hence this human space mission has opened doors to long-duration expeditions and research in space.

  • SpaceX Crew 1 was the first time astronauts used a spaceship developed and launched by a private company. Also, it carried back astronauts to the earth.
