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Short Article

27-04-2021 | 15:10 PM

Aahaar Kranti 

Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare recently launched a new initiative called ‘Aahaar Kranti’. The initiative aims to spread awareness about a nutritionally balanced diet in India. It will also promote the importance of accessibility to local fruits and vegetables.
About the mission

  • The initiative ‘Aahaar Kranti’ will focus on addressing the problem of hunger and diseases in abundance across India and the world.

  • The initiative will shine a light on the richness and value of India’s traditional diet, the miracles of local fruits and vegetables, and the healing powers of a balanced diet.

  • The motto of the mission is “Good Diet-Good Cognition”.

  • The mission will train the teachers. The teachers in turn will pass on the message to students. 


  • India has been ranked at 94 among 107 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2020. With a score of 27.2, India has a level of hunger that is “serious”.

