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Comprehensive News & Analysis

24-04-2021 | 12:10 PM

Artemis Programme

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has decided to land a person of colour on the moon as part of an international spaceflight program called the Artemis Programme. 

Key Highlights

  • The first cadre of the astronauts of the Artemis programme was announced in December 202. However, the first two crew members (male and female) of 2024 Artemis III space mission are yet to be announced. 

  • The initial group of astronauts who are a part of the Artemis Programme comprises 18 very diverse teams of astronauts including both veterans and new ones.

  • In a proud moment for India, Indian American Raja Chari is a part of the initial group of Artemis astronauts.

  • Acting NASA Chief of Staff, Indian-American Bhavya Lal said, "These are historic moments in advancing equity for all of mankind."


  • Artemis Programme is an international human space flight programme funded by the US Government. The main objective of the programme is to launch a manned mission to the south pole region of the moon by 2024.
