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Comprehensive News & Analysis

20-04-2021 | 16:39 PM

RE-HAB Project

  • The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways recently launched the project of Khadi and Village Industries (KVIC) called RE-HAB has become a huge success. 

  • Thus, it is to be implemented in other states as well. This includes Odisha, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala.

About project:

  • Project RE-HAB is Reducing Elephant Human Attacks using Bees. It was launched at four spots in the Nagarhole National Park of Karnataka. 

  • The project aims to prevent elephant human conflicts without creating harm to either of them. The project is highly cost-effective.

  • The project uses bee boxes as fences to prevent elephants from entering human habitation. The buzz of the bees irritates elephants. Also, elephants fear that the bees might sting them in the inner side of the trunk and in their eyes.

  • The bee boxes were provided as a part of Honey Mission.

Honey Mission

  • The KVIC has launched the Honey Mission to provide awareness, training, and ‘Bee Boxes’ along with Bee Colonies to the farmers. The mission was launched in August 2017 in line with the ‘Sweet Revolution’.

