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Comprehensive News & Analysis

08-04-2021 | 14:28 PM

Freedom Pineapple Movement 

Taiwan released the “Freedom Pineapple” movement on Twitter to protest China's politically motivated ban on the import of pineapples from Taiwan.

About Campaign:

• The Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen kicked off a “pineapple challenge” on social media to attract more Taiwanese consumers to buy the fruit and counter China’s move.

• The call was seconded by the de facto embassies of the US and Canada in Taiwan, who posted pictures on social media professing their love for pineapples from the island.

• The campaign also received an enthusiastic response on social media in several other countries, including the UK, US, and India.

• The campaign helped Taiwan receive orders for 5,000 tonnes of the fruit from Japan.
