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Short Article

19-03-2021 | 13:10 PM

Sugamya Bharat App 

  • Union Minister for Social justice and Empowerment has launched the “Sugamya Bharat App”. 

  • It is a mobile application developed to sensitise and enhance accessibility within the 3 pillars of the Accessible India Campaign. These pillars namely-the transportation sector, building an accessible environment and the ICT ecosystem in India. 

  • The app will aid the Accessible India Campaign towards making a barrier-free and conducive environment for Divyangjans (Persons with Disabilities – PwDs).

  • This mobile app comprises five main features. Out of these features, 4 are directly related to enhancing accessibility while the one is a special feature which caters to the Divyangjan with respect to the COVID-19 related issues. 
