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Comprehensive News & Analysis

13-03-2021 | 13:56 PM

Arrow 4: Anti-missile system


The Israel Missile Defense Organization and US Missile Defense Agency have commenced developing a long-range ballistic missile interceptor, named Arrow-4. Arrow-4 system includes next-generation interceptors and will replace the Arrow-2 over the next decades.

About Arrow-4 

  • The development of Arrow-4 in collaboration with the United States will result in the technological and operational leap forward.

  • Arrow 4 will be the next generation of Israel's multi-layered defence doctrine to intercept missiles in the atmosphere and space.

  • Arrow 4 will also have extraordinary flight and interception capabilities

  • Arrow 4 will be an advanced and innovative anti-missile system with enhanced capabilities to address a wide range of evolving threats in the region.

  • The Arrow-4 system is expected to counter threats both inside and beyond the atmosphere, making it endoatmospheric and exoatmospheric.

  • The cooperative program between the two countries illustrates US commitment to assist the government of Israel in upgrading its national missile defence capability to defend the State of Israel from emerging threats.

  • Arrow is a family of anti-ballistic missiles, which has been designed to make the Israeli missile defense system more effective against ballistic missiles in comparison to other surface-to-air missiles. 

    • These missiles are being jointly funded and produced by Israel and the United States. 

    • The missiles started developing in 1986 and it is overseen by Israeli Ministry of Defense and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. 

    • The MLM Division is the principal contractor for the Arrow weapon system and is a design, development and system engineering organization and it is the prime contractor for Arrow-4′s development

  • Israel's Arrow-2 and Arrow-3 interceptors are already operational as part of a multi-layered system to destroy incoming missiles in the atmosphere and in space.
