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Comprehensive News & Analysis

13-03-2021 | 13:55 PM

Now Caracal is a critically endangered species


Recently, the National Board for Wildlife and Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change included the caracal in the list of critically endangered species.

Key Highlights

  • In the meeting approval was given for including Caracal, a medium sized wildcat into the list of critically endangered species for taking up conservation efforts with financial support under centrally sponsored scheme Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitat.

  • The caracal wild cat (Caracal caracal) is a rare species in India. They are slender, medium-sized cats with long powerful legs and tufted ears. 

  • The black tufted ears of this cat are one of its most distinguishing features. 

  • Caracal is shy, nocturnal, elusive and difficult to spot in the wild. 

  • In India, presence of these Cats has been reported from only three states which are Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan. 

    • In Madhya Pradesh it is locally called as Shea-gosh or siyah-gush. 

    • In Gujarat, Caracals are locally referred to as Hornotro which means killer of a Blackbuck. 

    • In Rajasthan it is known as Junglee Bilao or Wildcat. 

  • Caracals are mostly killed for livestock predation however in some areas of the world it is hunted for its meat and flesh.

  • Besides India, the caracal is found in countries like Africa, the Middle East, Central and South Asia.
