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Comprehensive News & Analysis

08-03-2021 | 11:50 AM

VL-SRSAM Missile System


On 22 February 2021, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully launched the two indigenously designed and developed Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile (VL-SRSAM). These launches were carried out for demonstration of vertical launch capability. 

Key Highlights 

  • The launches were carried out from a static vertical launcher from Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur off the coast of Odisha.

  • VL-SRSAM is meant for neutralizing various aerial threats at close ranges including sea-skimming targets.

  • The current launches were carried out for demonstration of vertical launch capability as part of its maiden launch campaign. On both occasions, the missiles intercepted the simulated targets with pinpoint accuracy.

  • The missiles were tested for both minimum and maximum range.

  • VL-SRSAM with Weapon Control System (WCS) were deployed during the trials. 

  • During the test launches, flight path and vehicle performance parameters were monitored using flight data, captured by various Range instruments such as Radar, EOTS and Telemetry systems deployed by ITR, Chandipur.

  • The recent trials have proved the effectiveness of the weapon system and few more trials will be conducted shortly before deployment on Indian Naval ships. 

  • Once deployed, VL-SRSAM system will prove to be a force multiplier for the Indian Navy. 

  • The launches were monitored by senior scientists from various DRDO labs involved in the design and development of the system such as DRDL, RCI, Hyderabad and R&D Engineers, Pune.

Features of the VL-SRSAM Missile System

  • VL-SRSAM has a strike range of about 40 kms.

  • VL-SRSAM is an all-weather air missile system, which can provide point and area defence against various aerial targets like jets, fighter aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles.

  • The missile has a canister-based state of art weapon system which can identify, track, engage and destroy the target with a high kill probability.

  • The missiles feature the mid-course inertial guidance along with the terminal active radar homing.

  • It also comprises additional jet vane driven thrust vector control which enables the quick reaction vertical launch. 

  • The missile has a 360° interception capability.

