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Comprehensive News & Analysis

10-02-2021 | 13:51 PM

Neptune Declaration


Recently, the Maritime body MUI urged the government to recognize the “Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change” in order to formulate the Maritime India Vision 2030.

Key Highlights

  • The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Water Transport of India will formulate the "India Maritime Vision 2030". 

  • The Neptune Declaration was signed by more than 450 organizations.

  • The declaration emphasized the main actions needed to resolve the crew change crisis. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the daily life and well-being of seafarers have been severely impacted which led to a humanitarian crisis at sea.

  • The declaration mentions four main actions needed to respond to the crew change crisis:

    • To recognize the seafarers as the key workers and provide them priority access to Covid-19 vaccines.

    • To establish and implement the gold standard health protocols based on the existing best practice.

    • To increase the collaboration between the ship operators and charterers so as to facilitate the crew changes.

    • To ensure the air connectivity between the key maritime hubs for seafarers.

About Marine Union of India

  • The Marine Union of India is the oldest marine office and it represents the Merchant Navy Officers who are its members.

  • The office is affiliated to the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), London, United Kingdom. It has around 700 unions that represent over 4.5 million transport workers from150 countries.

  • The office is also affiliated to the Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS), New Delhi. The office works with the primary objective of working for and ensuring the fairness of work and wage conditions for its members.

  •  It also has Branch offices in Kolkata, Chandigarh, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, and Tuticorin. 

  • The Marine Union of India looks after the implementation of the international regulations, for eg: Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006.
