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Short Article

12-01-2021 | 11:48 AM

Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020 

• The Union Ministry of Power drafted the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020. These rules are being drafted for the first time in the Indian history.

Key Highlights:

• The average number and duration of usages per consumer per year for the DISCOMs are to be fixed by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission.

• Only two documents are required to set up a connection of 10 KW of load. The need to estimate the demand charges for loads up to 150 KW has been removed. 

• A rebate of 2% to 5% has been fixed on serving bills with delay of sixty days or more.

• The consumers can pay the bills in cash only if their bill amount is less than Rs 1000. Bills greater than Rs 1000 are to be paid online.
