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Short Article

09-01-2021 | 18:27 PM

Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope

• After the failure of the Arecibo Telescope, China is opening the world's biggest radio telescope for foreign scientists.

• The world's second-largest Arecibo Observatory collapsed in Puerto Rico after the 900-ton receiver base was lost and 140-metre plummeted into the radio dish below. 

Key Points:

• It is situated in Dawodang depression which is a natural reservoir in Guizhou, southwest China.

• It is the largest full-opening radio telescope and the second largest single-plate opening.

• The telescope has a reflecting surface of 500-metres in diameter. However, only a circle of 300 metres diameter can be used at one time.

• It is located in a natural sinkhole. A sinkhole is formed due to erosion.
