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Short Article

08-01-2021 | 15:53 PM

North African Couscous

  • The Couscous, the Berber dish, has recently been added to the Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Despite their differences, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania have joined together to highlight their passion for the dish.


  • The Couscous has introduced the Hawker community of Singapore, the Baudima dance of Zambia and the Spanish wine horse to the UNESCO list of Intangible Heritage.

About Couscous:

• It is a refined grain food made from small bales of durum wheat or semolina flour. It's a Berber dish. It is a staple food from Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and Libya.

• The UN Cultural Heritage List contains customs and rituals related to the preparation of Couscous.
