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Short Article

23-12-2020 | 13:48 PM

Old Enigma Encryption Machine (Science and Tech)

  • Recently, divers uncovered the Enigma decoding machine used by the Nazis in the Baltic Sea. The divers found the system while scanning the seabed with sonar instruments for discarded fishing nets that could damage the life of the shore.

About Enigma:

  • Enigma is an encryption device used by the German Nazis during the Second World War to encode coded messages.

  • The use of these computers made it very difficult for the Allied Powers to decrypt and decipher the encoded German messages.

  • The plugboard of the Enigma machines was similar to that of the telephone switchboard. Each letter to be substituted for another at regular intervals creating a ciphertext. Every time a letter is pressed the movable parts in the machine will change positions.
