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Comprehensive News & Analysis

22-12-2020 | 12:13 PM

Sustainable Mountain Development Summit (SMDS)


On December 12, the 9th edition of the Sustainable Mountain Development Summit (SMDS) commenced in virtual mode, on the occasion of International Mountain Day in Dehradun.

Key Highlights 

  • Theme the ninth edition of SMDS is “Emerging Pathways for Building Resilient Post COVID-19 Mountain Economy, Adoption, Innovation and Acceleration”.

  • The Indian Mountain Initiative organized the summit.

  • Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat and Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma attended the summit.

  • The focus of the summit will be on the overall objective of taking measures to ensure robust and sustainable mountain economy for the post COVID-19 world and to combat climate change.

  • The summit aimed to deliberate on issues like water security, migration, climate resilience and innovative solutions for disaster risk reduction and farm sector in the Indian Himalayas.

  • The 1st edition of the summit was launched in 2011 in Nainital.

  • Every year 3-5 salient themes engaging the immediate attention of and relevant to the mountains and hills are taken up for and thereby discussion and debate.

  • Conclusions and recommendations emerging out of this exercise are pursued by IMI subsequently for actionable output.

Integrated Mountain Initiative (IMI) 

  • IMI is a civil society led network platform. 

  • The mission of IMI is to mainstream concerns of the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) and its people in the development dialogue of India. 

  • Integrated Mountain Initiative functions as a platform to integrate the knowledge and experiences of multiple stakeholders working across the IHR, and use this to inform and influence policy at both national and state level.

