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Short Article

19-12-2020 | 16:14 PM

Eco-Bridges or Eco-ducts 

  • The Ramnagar Forest Division in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand constructed the first eco-bridges for small mammals and reptiles.

  • Eco-Bridges or Eco-Ducts are built to improve habitat communication, which is typically interrupted by logging or highways. It requires concrete underpasses, canopy bridges or overpass tunnels, amphibious tunnels.

  • These bridges are usually overlaid with planting from the area to give a contiguous look with the landscape. The eco-bridges also include overpasses, fish ladders, green roofs, tunnels, canopy bridges.

About Eco-Bridges:

  • The scale and location of the two major factors included in the design of the eco bridges. These bridges can be based on the patterns of animal activity.

  • Scientist Divya Mudappa of the Nature Conservation Foundation has constructed canopy bridges for Nilgiri Langurs and lion-tailed Macaques. The IUCN Red List of Endangered Species lists Lion Tailed Macaque and Nilgri Langur as "Endangered."
