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Short Article

19-12-2020 | 15:56 PM

Tharu Tribals 

  • The government of Uttar Pradesh has recently initiated a scheme to take over the special culture of the Tharu tribes all over the country.

  • The goal of the scheme is to position these tribal villages on a tourism map. This would build employment and bring economic freedom to the tribal people of the region.

About the Tharu tribals:

  • They belong to the lowlands of the Shivalik or the lower Himalayas. Most of these inhabitants are woodland dwellers who practise agriculture. The term Tharu is the adherents of Theravada Buddhism.

  • The Tharu tribes are dispersed in both Nepal and India. They are primarily spread in Bihar, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh in India.

  • According to the 2011 census, the total population of the Scheduled Tribe of Uttar Pradesh was 11 lakhs. This is expected to rise to 20 lakhs now.

Key points regarding tribes:

  • The Tharu Tribes speak the language of Tharu. It is the tongue of the Indo-Aryan subgroup and the Urdu, Hindi and Awadhi variants. A version of Bhojpuri is spoken by the Tharu of Nepal. Peace tribes worship Lord Shiva as Mahadev. Take all of their Supreme to be Narayan.

  • According to them, Narayan is a provider of rain, sunlight and harvesting. Tharu women have more land rights than those accorded to women in modern Hindu traditions in North India.
