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Comprehensive News & Analysis

18-12-2020 | 15:37 PM

Climate Change Performance Index

  • The Global Climate Change Performance Index has recently been issued by the New Climate Institute, Germanwatch and May (Climate Action Network). After 2005, the index has been ranked by fifty-seven greenhouse emitters worldwide.

  • The index is prepared by assessing the performance of fifty-seven countries in four categories namely renewable energy, GHG emissions, climate policy and energy use.

  • These countries account for 90% of global emissions. The goal of the index is to make it easier to evaluate mitigation efforts and improve transparency in international climate policy.

Key Findings:

  • India remained the top ten in the Climate Change Efficiency Index for the second consecutive year. China, one of the major contributors of greenhouse gases, ranked 33rd. In 2020, India slipped to the 10th place. India was 31st in 2014.

  • According to the index, only two G20 nations, India and the United Kingdom, were among the top rankings. The remaining six, such as Saudi Arabia, the United States, South Korea, Australia and Russia, were at the bottom of the index.

India’s initiative regarding to Climate Change

  • India has initiated a National Climate Change Action Plan to discuss climate adaptation and climate mitigation

  • The National Renewable Energy Fund was founded in 2010 to finance policies on clean energy.

  • India has made three concessions under the Paris Agreement

  • India's Greenhouse Gas Emissions will be lowered by 33% to 35% below 2005 levels by 2030.

40% of India's power potential would be focused on non-fossil fuel sources.

India would create a carbon trap of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equal to increased land cover by 2030.

India formed the International Solar Alliance at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change.
