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Short Article

16-12-2020 | 17:48 PM

Feminisation of Red Sea Turtles 

  • According to a research team report the turtle population in the Red Sea is becoming a girl due to increasing sea temperatures.

  • Researchers gathered data for five months every fifteen minutes. According to the researchers, a temperature of 29.2 degrees Celsius is needed to sustain a ratio of 50:50 for males and females.

  • Over this temperature, the turtle hatchlings will be mainly female. During the analysis, researchers observed that the temperature at four of the chosen five sites exceeded 29.2 degrees Celsius.

About Conservation of Turtles

  • IUCN classifies various turtles differently. Classification shall be as follows

  • Loggerhead and Green Sea Turtles are listed as Endangered. In the last 10 years, their population has declined by 50%.

  • Leatherback Turtles and Olive Ridley Turtles were listed as "Vulnerable"

  • The Leatherback Turtle in the Northwest Atlantic was listed as Endangered."

  • Green Turtle, Kemp’s Ridley Turtle and Hawksbill turtle have been classified as “Critically endangered”. According to IUCN, 80% of these turtles were lost in the last 10 years.
