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Comprehensive News & Analysis

14-12-2020 | 15:31 PM

Bhashan Char Island 

  • Bhashan Char Island is a small uninhabited island in Bangladesh, situated in the Bay of Bengal. It's also known as Char Piya.

  • Approximately thousands of Rohingyas are being relocated from Cox's Bazar refugee camp to the newly built facility on the island.

About island:

  • The island, which covers an area of 40 square kilometers, is thought to have been formed by the Himalayan silt only in 2006.

  • The Government of Bangladesh is relocating the Rohingya refugees to this island, 60 kilometers from the mainland.

Safety issues of the Bashan Char Island:

  • The Bashan Char Islands are also known as the Floating Islands. They are created by the Himalayan silt washed down from the Himalayas. Recently, the island was formed in 10 years of time. However, according to the environmentalists, it is now eroding at a rate of half a kilometer per year. Environmentalists say the island is vulnerable to cyclones and flooding.

  • However, according to Bangladesh authorities, the latest Amphan cyclone proved the safety of the island.

  • During storms and extreme conditions, the island would become inaccessible. 
