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Comprehensive News & Analysis

10-12-2020 | 14:59 PM

3RF Framework

  • 3RF stands for the Structure for Restructuring, Rehabilitation and Restoration. It was initiated by the United Nations to revitalise Beirut.
  • The system has been prepared by the United States, the World Bank and the European Union.
  • On 4 August 2020, the deadly explosion in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, killed more than 200 civilians. A million people were left homeless. This led to riots in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

About 3RF:

  • The System will determine the amount of incoming assistance towards the needs of the people of the region.
  • It will concentrate on the most needy in the world. Apart from stabilisation and rehabilitation, the framework will also concentrate on resolving the root cause of the crisis.
  • The purpose of the initiative is to restore port facilities, rehabilitate neighbourhoods damaged by the explosion and connect the port facility with the city.

Multi-Donor Trust Fund:

  • The revitalisation programme is to be funded by the Multi-donor Trust Fund set up by the World Bank, the European Union and the United Nations.
  • The funds are to be reserved for the focus regions. The 3F Strategy prioritises health, good government, education, infrastructure, social security, culture and heritage.
  • The proposal would pay immediate attention to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.


  • Lebanon is now in high financial bankruptcy. Lebanon's current poverty rate is 55%. Twelve months earlier, that was 28 percent. Despite the situation, the requisite changes remain stalled due to political uncertainty.
