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Comprehensive News & Analysis

07-12-2020 | 16:48 PM

C32 LH2 Propellant tank 

  • C32 LH2 is the largest cryogenic propellant tank ever built by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. It was recently shipped to the ISRO.

  • It is planned to increase the payload capacity of the ISRO Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk III) from 4 to 6 tonnes. The goal is to establish self-reliance with regard to the transition of heavier communication satellites to space.

About C32 LH2 Tank

  • It is a cryogenic propellant tank made of aluminium alloy. The tank is capable of loading 5,755 kilograms of propellant fuel.

  • India currently relies on French Guiana to launch heavier communication satellites (of 5 to 6 tonnes). C32 LH2 would bring an end to India's dependency on a foreign nation and raise its self-reliance.

Cryogenic fuels

  • Cryogenic means cold temperatures.

  • They are fuels that need incredibly low storage temperatures.

  • They are usually used in space where the temperature is low. The space atmosphere cannot however support combustion. Highly low-temperature fuels are therefore required.

  • Usually cryogenic engines use liquid hydrogen as a fuel and liquid oxygen as an oxidizer. This is because oxygen can be contained in a liquid state below-183 degrees Celsius.

  • On the other hand, the liquid hydrogen is kept at -253 degree Celsius. Liquid Oxygen is highly reactive and can be used as a propellant to carry heavy loads.


  • India has learned cryogenic technologies from the Russians. The Soviet Union decided in 1991 to move the technology to ISRO.

  • Other nations, such as the US, Japan, Europe and China, have been slow to share the technology with India.
