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Short Article

07-12-2020 | 15:23 PM

Active volcano “Mount Semeru” 

  • Mount Seemeru is an active volcano in East Java, Indonesia. The volcano is situated in the subduction zone where the Indo-Australian crust subducts beneath the Eurasian plate.

  • Mount Semer is a stratovolcano. Around 55 eruptions have been reported in Mt Semeru since 1818.

About stratovolcano:

  • The stratovolcano is often referred to as a conical volcano. It is made up of several layers of hardened lava. Stratovolcano lava is very viscous.

  • It cools and hardens until it extends far. The stratovolcano also has frequent effusive eruptions. Stratovolcano lava is not a major danger to humans since it is extremely viscous.
