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Short Article

07-12-2020 | 12:58 PM

Avian Influenza outbreak  

The Avian influenza disease was recently discovered at a poultry farm in Hyuga City of Japan. Around 40,000 chickens in every big farm are being slaughtered and buried. 

About Avian influenza:

  • It is a highly contagious viral disease that affects birds such as Turkeys, chicken, Guinea fowl. They occasionally infect mammals including humans. 

  • The Avian influenza virus is classified into two types based on their surface proteins namely Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase.


  • Among all the known influenza viruses, H5N1 is considered to be highly deadly. It was the first Avian influenza virus to infect humans. The virus transmits to humans through contact with infected bird faeces, secretion from the mouth or eyes, nasal secretions, etc.
