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Short Article

05-12-2020 | 16:19 PM

Brahmos supersonic Cruise Missiles  

  • India successfully launched the Brahmos supersonic missile variant of the ground attack drill. The research was shot in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 

  • The range of missiles has been extended from 290 km to 400 km. Its speed has been boosted to 2.8 Mach, which is almost three times the speed of sound.

About Brahmos missile

  • The missile can be launched from ships, submarines, aircraft and from land platforms. Brahmos was a joint venture of DRDO and Russia. 

  • It was developed based on the Russian P-800 Oniks Cruise missile. 

  • The name of Brahmos missile was coined from the two rivers Brahmaputra of India and Moskva of Russia. 

  • It is the fastest anti-ship cruise missile in the world. Brahmos-II is currently under development with a speed of Mach 7-8. 
